
Do you want to make your visit even more of an experience? Then consider purchasing a surprising voucher booklet full of Sense-sations.

An amazing array of typical Mechelen flavours awaits you. The Sense-sations package is the perfect introduction to a handful of local specialities, from beer-based cheese to artisan sweet treats. Don't forget to take a breather while sampling all these goodies. The package also entitles you to discounts to various must-see attractions and monuments.

GOOD TO KNOW: Some products of the 'Mmm... Mechelen' offer are included in the Sense-sations. More information:

Bourgondisch Prikkelpakket Mechelen Brochure

 Bourgondisch Prikkelpakket Mechelen Brochure Bourgondisch Prikkelpakket Mechelen Brochure

Available from: Visit Mechelen

Available in: EN/DU/FR


€ 7