If walls could talk

Listening walk in Burgundian Mechelen 

Listening walk

What if you could eavesdrop on the Mechelen of 1473? Did people during the Burgundian era discuss global warming or the pop stars of their time too? During the listening walk If walls could talk, you enter the city with a wooden listening horn, on the way picking up conversations between dignitaries, labourers and even prisoners. The medieval architect Antoon I Keldermans designed some Mechelen monuments and takes you on an hour-long tour. There you can see the impact of Mechelens medieval trading position, of Flanders Burgundian period and of the Habsburg princes who settled in Mechelen at the time.



  • Recommended from 12 years old 

  • Duration: 1.5 to 2 hours 

  • A shorter route is available for visitors who only have an hour to make the walk. 

  • Pick up your listening horn and walking brochure at the Visit Mechelen desk.  

  • Available in NL, FR, EN, DU and SP. 


Return the ear trumpet to Visit Mechelen at least 15 minutes before closing time.


We want to make this listening walk accessible to everyone. Thats why we use the pay what you can principle. You decide the price you can afford. With your contribution, you ensure that people from Mechelen with financial challenges can also enjoy free time and culture.


The listening walk is accessible to visitors with physical, visual, auditory and mental disabilities, and to people who are learning Dutch. Find out how we do this below.

Opening hours

View the opening hours of Visit Mechelen here. 
Closed: 25 December and 1 January 


Vleeshouwersstraat 6
2800 Mechelen
T +32 15 29 76 54