Red walking route Hondsbossen
The Hondsbossen are what is left of the forest known as Waverwoud, once a wilderness of heath and moorland. As the ground was infertile in some places and difficult to work, large parts of the forest were left intact. So you can still admire this magnificent natural landscape with its fascinating biodiversity. Moreover, Sint-Katelijne-Waver's footpaths are open throughout the year!
Length: 3.30 km
Starting point: Markt 39, 2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver
Accessible via cycling nodes: 36 - 42
Attention: Pets allowed, but dogs on a leash.
For more information about access, feel free to contact the provider.
T +32 15 43 61 09
E bc.mechelsrivierengebied@natuurpunt.be
W www.natuurpunt.be/mechelsrivierengebied