Discover Mechelen's (cottage) garden by coach
If your group is travelling to Mechelen by coach, then choose a tour around Mechelen. Your guide will hop on board and take you on a tour of Sint-Katelijne Waver, starting from Veemarkt in Mechelen. You will be given a general overview of the region and explore the beating heart of Belgium’s vegetable region. In addition to several cultural and religious heritage gems (the Ursuline Institute and its winter garden, Roosendael Estate, Borgerstein vzw, Sandhoeve, Spookhoeve ‘Slaapt in ‘t stro..) you can also explore its stunning natural surroundings (Hondsbossen Forest, Gasthuisbossen Forest…). You will also find out more about the current buildings and operations of the Mechelen vegetable auction, De Nayer Institute and the new town hall. This coach tour ties in seamlessly with a visit of Mechelen.
Opening hours
always by appointment.
T +32 15 30 50 00
@ toerisme@skw.be
www www.sintkatelijnewaver.be/toerisme
Lemanstraat 63, Sint-Katelijne-Waver