Carillon School
Mechelen is home to a world-famous carillon school.
It was the first of its kind in the world when it was founded by the carilloneur Jef Denyn in 1922. Herbert Hoover, John D. Rockefeller Jr. and William Gorham Rice gave financial support to this school.
It attracts students from all over the world looking to perfect the art of carillon playing.
The carillon school used to be housed in 't Schipke, a charming corner building in rococo style next to the Hof van Busleyden. In 2012 the school moved to the more spacious Norbertine Priory of Leliëndaal, at No. 52 Bruul.
If you'd like to visit the carillon school you have two options to choose from. For further information and reservations contact Visit Mechelen.
It was the first of its kind in the world when it was founded by the carilloneur Jef Denyn in 1922. Herbert Hoover, John D. Rockefeller Jr. and William Gorham Rice gave financial support to this school.
It attracts students from all over the world looking to perfect the art of carillon playing.
The carillon school used to be housed in 't Schipke, a charming corner building in rococo style next to the Hof van Busleyden. In 2012 the school moved to the more spacious Norbertine Priory of Leliëndaal, at No. 52 Bruul.
If you'd like to visit the carillon school you have two options to choose from. For further information and reservations contact Visit Mechelen.
Also admire the ‘Adèle Colson’ carillon pavilion, which moved into the Sinte-Mettetuin in 2018. The pavilion houses the Carillon School’s chamber carillon. More than four years were spent working on this instrument with 50 bronze bells. Did you know that the carillon pavilion is named after Adèle Colson, the world’s first female carillonneur? She graduated from the Mechelen Carillon School in 1929.

The guided tour is not suitable for wheelchair users.
For more information about access, feel free to contact the relevant venue.
T +32 15 20 47 92
E beiaardschool@mechelen.be
W beiaardschool.mechelen.be
Bruul 52, 2800 Mechelen