Art Gallery Mariette Teugels
In the shadow of St Rumbold's Tower stands a historical monument known as 'De Cellekens'. Originally it was a charitable institution which took in single, needy women free of charge.
The beautiful garden is enclosed in a U-shape by the three wings of the building. In the centre is the convent and on the left and right rows of small houses built in 1854. Each rounded, arched door provided access to two small rooms containing a bed, cupboard, chair and table. It was these little 'cells' which gave the institution its name.
The building stood empty for many years before being restored by sculptress Mariette Teugels and her husband, the photographer Herman Smet. They were awarded the prestigious Europa Nostra Prize for their work. Mariette Teugels made the figures you see in the garden.
T +32 15 21 16 41
E cellekens@hotmail.com
W www.marietteteugels.be