At the end of Bleekstraat was Zandpoort, best known as the gate that was destroyed by a bolt of lightning. On the night of August 7th 1546, a terrible storm raged over Mechelen. Lightning struck Zandpoort, where 40,000 kilograms of gunpowder were stored, causing a huge explosion and resulting in its total destruction. Far into the city the extent of the damage was measured by debris from Zandpoort. To this day, a discarded stone is preserved in Mechelen’s storeroom. In the 16th century, Mechelen was in fact renowned for its cannon foundry and as a centre for the production of gunpowder.
Impression of Zandpoort from outside the city, 1490 (Jan-Baptist De Noter). © www.regionalebeedbank.be
Zandpoort exploding, 1546. © www.regionalebeedbank.be