Visit Mechelen
St Rumbold's Cathedral was built in the thirteenth century. From the outset it was larger and more impressive than all the other parish churches and later on it became 'the...
The Gothic Church of St Catherine was built in the fourteenth century in an area where historically many poor people lived and this is reflected in the church. There are...
This baroque pilgrimage church designed by Lucas Faydherbe was one of the first domed churches in the Low Countries. The dome was to have been even higher, but the...
At the end of the steep street called 't Plein is the Church of Our Lady-across-the-Dyle. It was built in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries on the site where Mechelen's...
The seventeenth-century Beguinage Church has a magnificent baroque façade, after the Italian example. At the time Mechelen's beguines had capital and so were able to...
The Norbertines (Premonstratensians) of Leliëndaal commissioned Lucas Faydherbe to design this convent church in the seventeenth century. Note the gatehouse on the...
This beautiful, harmonious baroque church was originally dedicated by the Jesuits to St Ignatius and St Francis Xavier. After the abolition of the Jesuit Order, the parish...
The parish where St John's Church is located was one of the richest parishes in Mechelen because the members of the Great Council lived round about. The Great Council was...
Works of art in the place for which they were created.
New from 10 June 2025.